S.R.S. (Sick Room Syndrome), ongoing
Part of The Broken Pitcher project, by Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Marina Christodoulidou and Peter Eramian. Traveling group exhibition/film.Sound. 12:11, mono, 12” sub and “deflatables” weld from tamper-evident plastic bags.

Recording phase: Hellenic Bank AC

The Broken Pitcher set design: the inflatables are hand pumped during the opening sequence of the film.
Participating artists:Raissa Angeli, Peter Eramian, Stellios Kallinikou, Orestis Lazouras, Faysal Mroueh, Nayia Savva, Maria Toumazou, Emiddio Vasquez
S.R.S. (Sick Room Syndrome), takes its name from the Sick Building Syndrome, a syndrome to describe working environment conditions during which typically office workers report feeling sick for unknown reasons.
The first natural guess is that there must be an issue in the quality of the air, which turns out to be only partially true. Crucially, another root cause lies in the very vibration of the engines that produce the air. In this sense the imperceivable sub frequencies of the infrastructure, that produce the air but that are also themselves a movement of air, cause this illness.
Reflecting on the abundant theme of air in finance (bursting bubbles, inflation, deflation) and the history of derivatives (as hedging against weather for military training) S.R.S sought to materialize this very specific sound, while making the attendants subliminally aware that there was something “off” in that room.
Inaudible sub-frequencies playback from subwoofer deflates the inflatables through out the exhibition.
Part of larger collborative project to which this focus can only do very little justice:
Please follow the link to The Broken Pitcher for more information.